Friends .. I just love the fact that Jesus never complicated His commission .. but yes .. made it attainable to all of us when He told us to follow Him and He would make us “fishers of men” .. for yes .. with this .. He simply meant that whatever our personality and whatever our talents or gifts may be .. that yes .. He’ll take these attributes and use them to shape us .. to form us .. to frame us .. and yes .. to construct us to become what He wants us to be .. so basically what He’s saying is that He’ll take us .. ‘as we are’ .. and yes .. literally transform us .. and no .. it’s not a gift or a calling .. for yes .. it’s simply what we become as we continue to follow Him .. it’s when we’re transformed and become more like Him .. that yes .. we’ll in fact draw people to Him .. and no .. it doesn’t matter about our past .. it doesn’t matter about our disposition .. it doesn’t matter about our personality type .. nor does it even matter where we hang .. for yes .. we’re all His children who have the awesome privilege to carry His great love to the those around us .. so yes sweet friends .. it’s beautiful new day .. let’s get up .. let’s get out .. and yes .. let’s do a little fishing .. haha .. oh yeah .. love wins period
“”Come .. follow me ..” Jesus said .. “and I will send you out to fish for people”

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