When trials come against us .. we simply cannot fret while trying to figure out if all this is happening because we have sowed a bad seed somewhere in time .. nope .. trials are going to come against us .. that’s just the way it is .. but friends .. we have the map to freedom .. we have God’s Word .. and .. His Word has prepared us to handle these trials .. so .. we work through them and we trust and obey .. for we know without a doubt .. His plans for us are great .. His plans for us are exciting .. He has no ill intentions for any of us .. He has prearranged an awesome life for each of us .. and .. it’s there for the taking .. all we have to do is .. haha .. follow that map .. while remembering .. Grace trumps Karma .. everyday of the week .. oh yeah .. Love Win Period

“For I know the plans I have for you” .. declares the LORD .. “plans to prosper you and not to harm you .. plans to give you hope and a future”


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