Friends ..  what we must remember as we’re travelling this road called life ..  is simply .. people make mistakes .. haha ..  including ourselves .. oh yes .. some may be small .. while others .. haha .. may be huge ..  however .. it doesn’t matter the size .. nor .. the action ..  our role is simply .. to forgive others  .. and yes .. to forgive ourselves .. haha .. for friends .. forgiveness .. it’s our own personal honor ..  think about it  .. the ability to wholly and truly forgive ..  is one of the greatest gifts .. we can ever give ourselves  .. for simply  .. forgiveness sets us free from what resentments bind .. haha  ..   it breaks down those walls that anger builds  .. and yes .. that pure negativity reinforces .. haha .. for the truth is ..  when we forgive .. we stop letting our past dictate our present .. we acknowledge simply .. haha .. we want the very best for ourselves .. and yes ..  simply accept .. that our past is what makes us the person we are today ..  and that sweet friends .. is what we embrace .. for we know that we know that we know .. God wants us to forgive .. and friends ..  if it wasn’t possible for us to do so .. haha .. He simply would not .. direct us down that road .. haha .. oh yeah .. love wins period

“Be kind to one another .. tenderhearted .. forgiving one another .. as God in Christ forgave you”


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