As God’s people .. we are meant to be fueled for freedom by His unconditional love .. you see .. He offers a grace filled love to guide us out of the systems of this world .. it’s in the power of restored relationship that lays the foundation for us to choose satisfaction in Him .. for it’s then we find .. we are no longer enslaved to the law .. He has set us free .. but .. friends .. we must remember .. it’s all goes back to .. “choices” .. haha .. yep .. we have the choice to submit to the life of grace He offers .. as well as .. the choice .. to live in the light of His power that works within rather than leaning on our own works to get us through .. yes .. we have the choice to choose .. whether to acknowledge our weakness and to receive the strength His grace offers .. or .. not .. for .. its when we make the right choice .. that we free ourselves from the bondage of living on our own strength .. the chains of pride will be cast off .. and … along will come that new and fresh revelation of His unconditional love .. the simple truth is this .. He loves us .. simply because .. He loves us .. there is not one thing we can do to make Him love us more .. or .. love us less .. so today .. we get up and we start this day .. allowing His grace filled love to transform our heart .. and .. guide us .. straight into that glorious freedom ..we can only find in Him .. oh yeah .. Love Wins Period

“For freedom Christ has set us free .. stand firm therefore .. and do not submit again to a yoke of slavery.”



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