Friends .. learning forgiveness .. it’s powerful .. and for that .. I for one .. haha .. am ever so grateful .. for you see .. the truth is .. the only people that can really hurt us .. are the people we love .. and .. with that being the case .. haha .. we’ll simply find .. this happens quite often .. for yes .. we hurt each other .. and yes .. when we sit and thing about it .. most of the time .. we’ll simply find .. it’s rarely done on purpose .. and yes .. it’s often done .. through simple negligence .. however .. those hurts .. they’re still there .. and yes .. they’ll linger and hang on as long as they can .. haha .. UNTIL .. we make that conscience effort to seek forgiveness .. for friends .. forgiveness is simply .. the essence of love that can understand mistakes .. and then .. haha .. mend them .. just think how miserable it would be .. if God .. who commands forgiveness .. didn’t forgive us .. haha .. so .. bottom line .. as His children .. we learn to forgive .. we learn to love again .. we learn to move forward .. we learn to understand each other .. and yes .. even support each other .. out of love .. His mighty love .. no matter the size .. or even the shape .. of those many mistakes .. haha .. oh yeah .. Love Wins Period
“Bear with each other and forgive whatever grievances you may have against one another .. forgive as the Lord forgave you”

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