We all have people in our lives that we call friends .. some may be close while others we’re simply cordial with .. and yes .. on either side we can all be irritating beyond measure .. that’s right .. we’ll let each other down at times .. and yes .. we’ll even shock each other in some “not so pretty” ways .. as well as surprise each other in some “mighty beautiful” ways .. for yes .. we’re all human and prone to make mistakes .. the truth is .. in our lifetime we’ve seen peace agreements change lives .. we’ve watched nations learn to co-exist .. and yes .. we’ve even witnessed neighbors who used to kill each other transform their city into an urbane metropolis .. haha .. so yes .. there’s hope for us all .. for it’s when we listen to God’s direction and move in His love that we’re able to find it in ourselves to have the “want to” to negotiation and compromise .. to yes .. sit down and work out a way to forgive and forget or at least return to that cordial state of mind .. for yes sweet friends .. we do the best we can in the situations we’re in .. so yes .. we stay mindful while striving daily to become better .. for we know in our heart .. that yes .. it all boils down to the simpleness of people loving people .. just the way He intended it to be .. so again and again .. haha .. oh yeah .. love wins period
“Above all .. keep loving one another earnestly .. since love covers a multitude of sins .. show hospitality to one another without grumbling .. as each has received a gift .. use it to serve one another .. as good stewards of God’s varied grace”

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