Yesterday afternoon was hectic .. thank goodness it was Sunday in the City and we had less people to deal with as we pushed and maneuvered our way through and along the sidewalks .. haha .. with Tina‘s baked goods and anchor bags sitting on a borrowed bus cart .. haha .. needless to say .. it was indeed a long afternoon .. full of joy mixed with .. anxiety .. anxiousness .. and yes .. some of the unforeseen .. however .. we got through it .. had a big dinner and went back to our rooms for a much needed night of sleep .. as I laid there thinking about the roller coaster ride my friends are experiencing .. haha .. with me along for the ride .. the phone rang .. haha .. it wasDonald checking on me .. haha .. with Gracyn in the background wanting to talk to her MiMi .. friends .. at that moment I could have been anywhere in this world .. but in my mind and heart .. I was home .. home with my loves as “G” told me about her .. haha .. and yes .. her mommy’s purple finger nail polish that they were wearing .. the fact that she has already gotten smart and not sure she needed school anymore .. haha .. followed by .. the Firemen with their loud truck and the lesson she learned from them .. haha .. she explained to me in detail .. how when a fire starts in your house .. and the smoke begins to flow .. we have to .. “stop drop and roll” .. haha .. it was so sweet to hear her voice just when I needed to hear it .. and the best part .. God made it happen .. for simply .. He knows what we need .. and yes .. exactly when we need it .. so yes .. as I hung up with my heart full .. I laid here thinking about the lesson she learned from the firemen.. and just how we can apply it to our daily lives .. for the truth is .. it’s the way with everything in life .. when we’re hit with the unforeseen mixed with emotions and anxiety .. haha .. we simply need to .. “stop drop and roll” .. that’s right .. we have to stop and look at the situation .. drop any non productive parts of it .. haha .. and yes .. roll with the flow .. for friends .. when we do this .. we’re able to move forward to the safety of His loving arms .. haha .. and yes .. rest in His loving care .. for as we know . this is where we get the strength to get up and do what we need to do .. day after day after day .. haha .. oh yes .. those wonderful lessons .. straight from the mouth of a babe .. haha .. gotta love the way He rolls .. and yes .. again and again and again .. haha .. oh yeah .. love wins period

“Do you hear what these children are saying?”.. they asked Him .. “Yes” replied Jesus .. “have you never read .. “‘From the lips of children and infants you .. Lord .. have called forth your praise’?”


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