It’s Valentine’s Day .. the day to celebrate the love we share with that someone special in our lives .. haha .. yes .. I remembered .. unlike last week when I forgot my husbands birthday .. today .. I am fully prepared .. and .. as being one who has publicly declared to do all I can to “love like Jesus” .. I got to thinking about this day .. how it all began .. and .. who actually started this “day of love ” tradition .. and .. I’m sure .. as many of you .. may have known the meaning before .. this time .. for me’s different .. I see it with a whole new light .. for .. there was a young man named Saint Valentine .. a Roman Christian .. who was willing to suffer anything .. even death .. rather than to give up His belief in Jesus .. as a matter of fact .. prior to his death .. he ministered in prison by witnessing to the prison guards .. there are stories about him .. praying .. witnessing .. and yes .. even healing in His Name .. haha .. his love for others in Jesus’ name .. changed many lives .. and friends .. when the Emperor heard about it .. He was furious that Valentine was still making converts in prison .. so furious .. that he sent him straight to death .. but .. just before his execution .. that young Believer wrote a note to the jailers daughter .. signing it simply .. “From your Valentine” … so .. there we have it .. the first valentine was a Christian witness .. and .. from there .. the tradition began .. cards and love letters written and shared each year .. originating from a man .. who “loved like Jesus” .. haha .. oh my goodness .. I just love this story .. I can even see it happening .. the look on his young face .. as he gave that card with the message of unconditional devotion to Christ .. even upon the pain of death .. wow .. that’s big people .. so .. today .. with every card and chubby cherub we give .. we actually celebrate that very love that drove that young man to give up his life .. so friends .. today .. as we spread “the love” .. let’s not forget to share the meaning as well .. let’s share with wholeheartedness .. without shame or fear .. the awesome example of Valentine’s unconditional love for Christ .. declaring the truth .. even if it costs us something .. by being a servant to those we love .. for .. the glorious news is .. simply .. we are loved by Him .. and .. He wants us to be .. His valentine .. for .. His love .. it’s the real thing .. it’s an all giving love .. that was and is .. willing to suffer and die .. for each one of us .. no respecter of person is He .. haha .. no .. in His eyes .. we are .. all the same .. every single one of us .. simple truth .. oh yeah people .. Love Wins Period.
” I pray that you .. being rooted and established in love .. may have power .. together with all the Lord’s holy people .. to grasp how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ .. and to know this love that surpasses knowledge .. that you may be filled to the measure of all the fullness of God”

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