Friends .. it doesn’t take a master mind to know that if we want to bear good fruit as described  in God’s Word .. then yes .. it’s imperative that we work on our soul muscle .. and yes .. we need to do this regardless of whether or not our past looks like a train wreck .. haha .. trust me I know .. and yes .. the goal for all of us is to do all we can to develop the kind of prosperous soul from which flows the qualities listed in His Word ..  and no .. these fruits can’t be manufactured or externally generated .. for yes .. they come from a soul transformation .. and yes .. an authentic relationship with Him who loves us big .. for the truth is .. no matter where we’ve come from or what negative habits we’ve created in our lives .. we have His promise that we can be someone new .. and yes .. this promise is new every single day .. for yes sweet friends .. the Fruit of the Spirit begins with Love .. and yes ..  haha .. oh yeah .. love wins period.

“But the fruit of the Spirit is love .. joy .. peace .. forbearance .. kindness .. goodness .. faithfulness .. gentleness .. and .. self-control .. against such things there is no law”


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