Thinking about spiritual growth .. haha .. you know .. that process of shedding our “acts of flesh” less and less .. while continually producing .. “fruit of the Spirit” .. more and more .. haha .. and yes .. simply understanding that it’s God Himself .. who yes .. produces this fruit within us .. haha .. therefore simply realizing just how important it is to submit ourselves to His leading .. and yes .. this is indeed .. a beautiful thing .. for friends .. it’s when we actually see ourselves becoming more loving .. more joyful .. more kind .. more self-controlled .. and yes .. just plain better .. haha .. it’s then we can clearly see .. the spiritual growth that’s genuinely occurring inside and out with each passing day .. haha .. which in turn ..simply gives us .. that ultimate winning hand .. haha .. oh yeah .. love wins period
“But the fruit of the Spirit is love .. joy .. peace .. patience .. kindness .. goodness .. faithfulness .. gentleness .. self-control .. against such things there is no law”

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