I’m sitting in the Backyard of Love on this beautiful morning .. I open the cafe for one of my girls on Monday and Tuesday each week so she can get her son off to school .. I’m just getting to my words of the day because I woke up late .. haha .. that being because we have a new puppy .. and yes .. he thinks 2 am is playtime .. we’re working on that .. as I sit here and look across the yard I’m reminded of the fact that we’ve come full circle .. and yes .. coming full circle I believe is a testimony in itself .. which of course takes me to grace .. grace shown from those involved .. and yes .. grace shown from God above .. everyday I thank Him for His love and guidance .. for friends .. it’s when we learn to forgive ourselves and show ourselves that wonderful grace we hold so dear .. that yes .. we’re able to truly move forward .. and yes .. truly able to become whole .. for it’s then we can grab hold of the purposes He has for our lives .. and yes .. become who we need to become on the inside .. and yes .. be able to do what He’s called us to do .. for yes .. grace trumps karma .. every single time .. and yes .. haha .. love wins period
“But if it is by grace .. it is no longer on the basis of works .. otherwise grace would no longer be grace”



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