Woke up to the Atlantic Ocean this morning .. kind of like a step back in time on this side of the Florida coast .. “oh the potential this place has” .. says the locals .. haha .. which has me thinking about all of us “people” .. if you will .. and yes .. just how God has created each of us with so much potential .. and yes .. how He expects us to see the same in each person we meet .. haha .. and friends .. it’s with this simple truth … that we’ll be able to receive one another in love .. and yes .. even our causes will be embraced .. haha .. in some form or fashion .. bottom line .. it’s when we don’t act on this simple truth that we simply flounder .. even with those we love … so friends .. let’s simply .. look at each other .. and .. every person we meet along our way .. in only one way .. not as we have been .. or .. as we are … but as how we were created to be ..haha .. for friends .. when we look at each other through the eyes of our Maker .. compassion and humility will constantly flow from our hearts and minds .. and that .. is a good good thing … haha .. oh yeah .. Love Wins Period
“Finally .. all of you .. have unity of mind .. sympathy .. brotherly love .. a tender heart .. and a humble mind”

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