It’s been a week since we’ve been home from the mountains .. I’ve thought about that trip and those folks every day since .. haha .. it’s funny how the whole time we were there .. with all that was going on .. I had an overwhelming feeling each of those days that I needed to call and check in with my mom .. haha .. my mom is no longer with us on this earth .. but yes .. continues to live in my heart and mind .. I know she would have been worried sick about us being up there .. and yes .. she would have wanted to hear from us .. more than once a day while we were there .. however .. she would not have wanted us to come home if we didn’t have to .. she would want us to stay .. and yes .. spend our money .. and yes .. love those people the best we could while we were there .. haha .. now I think about God .. I think about how different .. but yet the same .. He and mom are .. haha .. oh don’t get me wrong .. my mom was not a Saint .. nor was she Holy .. but she did love me like Jesus .. unconditionally and fully .. totally in spite .. and no .. never because of .. haha .. and just like I looked to her .. I look to Him for guidance .. oh yes .. I talk to both of them .. like I’m talking now .. and yes today .. we’ve been home for a week .. moving on with our lives .. in our little world in which we live .. but friends .. those folks in those beautiful mountains .. they’re still suffering .. they’re still trying to figure it out .. many a mom .. are praying to Him today for her children .. and yes .. for her community .. and yes .. He’s listening .. He’s touched the hearts of so many to give of themselves to go help .. and friends .. tonight we’ll have the opportunity to give through the Dolly Parton telethon .. we’ll have the opportunity to give however much we can .. no .. it doesn’t matter what we can give .. for yes .. it’s true .. every single cent counts .. so .. grab your family and your friends .. log on to one of the ways to watch .. and yes .. be part of helping these “Mountain tough with a Strong Faith in God” rebuild that beautiful spot that most of us know and love .. what a beautiful way to give this Christmas Season .. and yes sweet friends .. again .. haha .. oh yeah .. love wins period
“She opens her mouth with wisdom .. and the teaching of kindness is on her tongue .. she looks well to the ways of her household and does not eat the bread of idleness”

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