This morning my mind is on generosity .. you know .. that way of thinking and looking at life situations .. and yes .. the fact that when we have a generous attitude .. we become willing to think the best of others .. while always giving them the benefit of doubt .. even when .. haha .. we don’t agree with them .. for yes .. we reflect God’s generosity and forgiveness because we believe that He can .. and yes .. will work all things together for good .. for the truth is .. an openhanded .. and yes .. an open hearted generosity allows room for Him to work in any situation .. and yes .. as generous people we learn to live from the heart .. we’re willing to share our resources with others for we know that a pinched attitude closes them off .. and yes .. a generous attitude allows simple abundance to flow freely .. haha .. so yes .. we express our generosity through simple acts of kindness .. and yes sweet friends .. today I think we can all agree .. that yes .. our hearts are full .. simply because of the kind .. and yes .. generous souls that He has placed in our lives .. for yes .. always and forever .. haha .. oh yeah .. love wins period
“Good will come to those who are generous and lend freely .. who conduct their affairs with justice .. surely the righteous will never be shaken .. they will be remembered forever”


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