Friends .. when we’re having “issues” of any kind in our lives .. the enemy truly wants us to believe that people are the problem .. haha .. however .. the truth is ..  issues may be the problem .. but no ..  people are not .. for yes .. we’re all fighters by nature .. and yes .. if we don’t fight the enemy .. we’ll end up fighting each other while never finding the medium .. you know .. that wonderful place where we can be in one accord .. loving each other as He loves us .. bottom line .. if we’re fighting people … we’re having a negative effect in the heavens .. and no sweet friends ..  that’s not where any one of us want to be .. so yes ..  we get up … we get out .. we get our hug on .. and yes .. we make it an awesome day .. for yes .. haha .. oh yeah .. lovewinsperiod

“Complete my joy by being of the same mind .. having the same love .. being in full accord and of one mind”


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