I’ve kept a daily prayer journal and diary (so to speak) .. for more than 30 years .. and .. even after I started writing these post each day .. I’ve continued to write on paper as well .. such an act of freedom it gives us to write down our daily prayers .. activities .. and .. experiences .. so .. not long ago .. and .. as most of you know .. I began this “onion peel back” journey .. I’ve been letting things go .. forgiving .. asking for forgiveness .. and .. so on .. well .. recently .. I began going back through my journals .. haha .. I read somewhere it was healing to go back and see how God has used those experiences for the good .. as well as .. to see the real truth .. for .. the truth is .. as we go through life and we make our many mistakes .. we tend to take on so much blame that it paralyzes us .. the enemy uses it to do all he can to stop us .. from simply .. getting better .. but friends .. I’m here to tell you .. as I go through and read .. the blame that I’ve carried around .. I can now clearly see .. is not all on me .. oh .. please .. don’t get me wrong .. I’ve made many bad decisions and yes .. I’ve abused others along the way .. that’s for sure .. and .. for those things I’ve done .. I’ve sought for .. and yes .. even begged for .. forgiveness .. some I’ve gotten .. some I’ve not .. yet .. knowing I can’t control the other side .. I’ve had to keep moving .. we all do .. for friends .. we cannot stay stuck in a mindset of unforgiveness .. we have to forgive others .. and .. we have to forgive ourselves .. simply because .. we just might be the only one .. except for .. Our God .. haha .. that will .. for .. we as people love to stand up and profess to be something we’re not .. we’re self-righteous people .. and .. we’re justified .. haha .. what a joke .. no friends .. we as Believers .. better know one thing .. God is love .. period .. end of story .. and .. if we do one thing that’s not out of love .. we’re living a lie .. and .. I’ve lived many a lie .. we all have .. but friends .. if we can just open our hearts to look within .. honestly and openly .. not fearing the ugly .. but .. embracing it .. we can all be better .. we can all honestly look at each other .. through His eyes .. eyes of unconditional love .. for .. we now know the truth .. we too .. have wore the other shoe .. in some form or fashion .. for friends .. without Him .. personally .. I would be so lost that you’d never find me .. without Him .. we would all wonder around .. blaming each other for much of what we’ve done to ourselves .. no .. taking responsibility for our actions .. belongs to each of us .. and .. we can’t veer to the left or right .. we must keep moving and pressing on toward that ultimate goal .. He has so graciously set before us .. and .. no .. just because we’ve done this .. not all days will be easy .. we’ll all continue to make mistakes .. but now .. it’s different .. for friends .. we’ve learned .. it’s what we do .. when we do .. that truly matters .. for the bottom line is simply this .. the enemy is a liar .. and .. God is love .. simple choice .. simple truth .. oh yeah people .. Love Wins Period.
“Lead me in your truth and teach me .. for you are the God of my salvation .. for you I wait all the day long”

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