I woke up this morning thinking about trust .. and .. just how much .. I truly trust God .. and .. totally .. rely on His direction in my life .. for you see .. just as it was for His disciples .. I’ve always found .. more often than not .. to simply .. trust in .. things .. people .. or .. circumstances .. rather than Him .. haha .. for the truth is .. we all try to create security in such comfortable .. “boats” .. if you will .. as money .. success .. and .. relationships .. haha .. and yes .. our .. “boats” .. they appear to be .. safe .. secure .. and .. comfortable .. especially when compared .. to the risky chaos outside them .. yet .. apart from God .. the truth is .. even our best built .. “boat” .. simply .. cannot protect us .. for you see .. we .. just like the disciples .. face an important choice in our life .. we can accept His invitation .. to step into the .. “adventure and risk” .. in life .. that’s waiting for us right outside that .. “boat” .. or .. we can cling it’s safety .. trying our best .. to avoid .. fear and risk .. haha .. as unlikely as it may seem .. our real security comes when we get out of there .. and .. simply learn .. that Our God .. can be trusted fully .. that’s right .. this .. is the only way to real growth .. it’s the only way .. true faith develops .. it’s simply .. part of .. discovering and obeying our calling .. for this sweet friends .. is where we find Him .. . just as He did on that stormy night .. He’s looking for us today .. He wants us to step out and walk with Him .. and yes .. even when we do this .. we’ll still face storms .. and .. we’ll still have to take risks .. and .. yes .. at times .. we may even fail .. but now .. we have that comfort of knowing .. we can .. simply and fully .. trust Him .. to be there .. to reach out .. and .. to help us .. twenty four seven .. seven days of the week .. that;s right .. oh yeah people .. Love Wins Period
“Yes .. come ..” Jesus said .. so Peter went over the side of the boat and walked on the water toward Jesus”

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