Friends .. it’s true .. no matter how much hate is spewed .. how much turmoil is in the air .. or .. how pessimistic we become .. haha .. we always and forever carry hope .. and that simple hope .. that carries so much substance .. is simply found in the Gospel .. no .. it doesn’t promise a charmed filled life .. you know .. the kind with constant blessings .. haha .. but friends .. it does give us the solid assurance that life .. oh yes .. our life .. is well worth living .. that problems are worth enduring .. and yes .. that the risks we take .. are simply .. worth taking .. haha .. bottom line .. the Gospel provides hope that there is more to life than what we see .. that’s right .. for the invisible world .. is even more real .. than what we can actually view with our own eyes .. for friends .. the truth is .. even the sun will eventually fade away .. oh but .. Our God and His spiritual realities .. they never will .. for friends .. He’s the same .. yesterday .. today .. and yes .. forever .. so .. we simply hang on to our faith .. for we know that we know that we know .. in Him .. we’ll forever find .. that glorious hope .. when we’re faced .. with what seems like hopelessness .. in this world around us .. haha .. oh yeah .. Love Wins Period
“For I know the plans I have for you .. declares the Lord .. plans for welfare and not for evil .. to give you a future and a hope”

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