I love to watch God work .. haha .. sometime the things He does is so very obvious .. while others times .. we completely let it pass us by totally unnoticed .. however .. that doesn’t matter to Him .. haha .. no .. He keeps on working in our lives whether we’re paying attention or not .. for yes .. the blessings await us either way .. oh but .. it’s when we focus our heart and mind on Him .. that in turn .. allows us to see just what He’s up to .. for yes .. we’ll see the pieces falling together all around us .. haha .. yes friends .. for some silly reason .. we all have these preconceived ideas of how He works .. and the truth is .. it can be a stumbling block to our perception .. haha .. for yes .. there’ve been many times in my life .. and I’m sure in yours too .. that we’ve felt like He wasn’t listening .. He wasn’t answering our prayers .. and .. the doors weren’t being opened .. only to find .. haha .. the timing was just not right .. and yes .. when the timing was right .. we realized .. He was listening all along .. working out the details in full so our prayer could be answered in a way we totally unexpected .. and yes .. those doors were opening so wide .. haha .. that we could drive a freight train through .. so yes sweet friends .. it’s when our eyes are focused on Him .. we become open to a whole new mindset .. our faith grows strong as we begin to pay attention and see His busyness in our daily walk .. oh and yes .. the joy and excitement it brings when we see this happening .. for simply .. it motivates us to praise Him and thank Him .. through it all .. big or small .. easy or hard .. haha .. for in the end .. we know that we know that we know .. haha .. oh yeah .. love wins period

“For from Him and through Him and for Him are all things .. to Him be the glory forever! .. Amen”


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