Friends .. we need to do all we can to make a good and positive contribution to any conversation we have  with anyone and everyone we meet .. haha .. when negative comments and improper talk occur .. we need to stop in our tracks and turn the conversation around to a more .. haha .. uplifting tone .. yes friends .. we must do all we can .. every time that we can  .. to avoid hurting anyone’s feelings .. we never need to say anything that we would be ashamed to say if we were speaking to God Himself .. bottom line .. staying mindful to always encourage the positive over the negative in all our conversations .. haha .. will most certainly make life easier .. not only for ourselves ..  but yes  .. for those around us .. for we know without a doubt .. that yes yes yes   .. haha .. oh yeah .. love wins period

“Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths .. but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs .. that it may benefit those who listen”



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