Friends .. haha .. I’m sitting here this morning bundled up from the cold .. thinking about how grateful I am for God’s grace .. and yes ..  if we really think about it .. we’ll simply see .. none of us really deserve it ..  but yet ..  He freely offers it when we’re in need ..  it’s not something we earn through works .. for no .. it’s simply a gift .. haha ..  and yes .. more often than not .. we’ll find it tied up with that pretty little ribbon called  ..”hope” .. haha .. and friends .. when we find ourselves in the middle of a trial .. His great love will reach out .. and yes .. cover us with that undeserving grace .. shielding us from the enemy .. and yes .. enabling us to persevere .. for it’s true .. adversity can absolutely wear us down .. oh but  friends .. His grace .. it is and always will be sufficient .. for it constantly carries us through the darkest of nights .. and yes .. haha  .. on the other side .. shines through with victory while bringing us into that new day .. and with that new day .. the promise of hope will strengthen and encourage us to continue forward in our spiritual race .. haha .. oh yes .. how easily we forget that He should be glorified in all circumstances .. for yes .. this is more often than not accomplished during personal moments of weakness and times of testing .. and yes .. the truth is  .. when we feel we’re facing the impossible .. we can’t lose hope .. nor can we falter .. for we know that we know that we know .. He can and He will .. in His perfect timing .. haha ..  make the impossible straight up “possible” .. haha .. oh yeah .. love wins period

“But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ’s power may rest on me”


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