Friends .. we need to keep our hearts in a “grateful state of mind” .. haha .. for yes .. by doing so .. we’re able to bring everything into perspective .. for now .. we’re in touch with God’s movement in our world .. and yes .. where others complain about problems .. all we can see is opportunity .. for yes .. with a grateful heart we become generous people .. simply because .. we know how much we’ve been given .. and yes .. we live in joy .. we know that a grateful heart is cultivated and we can become what we practice .. when we say thank you to God and to other people .. we’re establishing transforming habits and thought patterns .. we’re moving beyond fear and doubt .. and yes .. turning our full attention toward Him .. and friends .. before we know it .. we’re actually beginning to think like Him .. and yes .. this kind of living and thinking is a glorious way to live and think .. haha .. for yes yes yes .. we’re now experiencing unconditional love while living in this very moment .. and yes! .. that makes us winners .. for yes .. it’s so very true that yesterday today and forever .. haha .. oh yeah .. love wins period
“This is the day that the Lord has made .. let us rejoice and be glad in it”

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