It was early in the morning just like it is now .. the fog had not yet lifted .. the “Mary’s” head for the tomb where their beloved Jesus has been laid .. the angel had already rolled the stone away .. no .. not so Jesus could walk out .. for no .. He didn’t need a door .. it was open for those beautiful women to see that He was no longer there .. and no .. His body had not been stolen .. for yes .. “He has Risen” just like He said .. haha .. oh yes .. we can imagine the scurrying that was taking place at that moment .. the fear .. the worry .. the wondering of what in the world could have happen .. when at that very moment .. as Mary fell on her knees in anguish .. she heard His voice .. she saw His face .. and yes .. she exclaimed .. “He’s Alive He’s Alive” .. oh yes sweet friends .. what an incredible moment in time for us to reflect on this morning for as Believers the resurrection of Jesus is the most important event in the history of the world .. it gives us an unending amount of hope even when things might appear at their darkest .. for yes .. He walked His talk .. and yes .. He made the toughest walk ever made for us when He carried that heavy cross all the way to Golgotha .. and then in the most terrible way possible He died .. oh but yes! .. three days later came the miracle of His Resurrection .. and yes .. there was doubt and skepticism at the time .. and yes .. even by His own Followers .. oh but .. in His grand fashion He put that to rest by appearing to them .. haha .. He even let Thomas examine the nail holes in His hands and the pierce in His side .. and yes .. it was then they knew the truth .. yes yes yes .. “He’s Alive” .. and today we are indeed the blessed ones for we believe that even though we weren’t present those two thousand plus years ago when He rose from the grave .. we are just as blessed if not more so than the disciples were that very day .. for yes .. we’re stepping out entirely on faith .. and the way we see it .. we’re fortunate to have the opportunity to practice our faith .. for yes sweet friends .. “He is Risen” .. and those words are every bit as exciting and meaningful today as they were back then .. for the truth is .. Our God is not some being off in some remote land .. no .. He lives in each of us .. and friends .. every minute of every day He’s concerned about our well being .. we don’t know how He does it all at the same time .. but then again .. who cares .. haha .. for what we do know .. and yes .. place our hope and trust .. is that yes .. God is God .. and yes .. He can do whatever He wants .. even if it means being in a million places at once .. while yes .. always knowing our most private thoughts .. our secret hopes .. and yes .. our unspoken prayers .. He’s not a bottle to pull off the shelf when we have a problem in our lives .. He’s an ever present helping Spirit and we are a “resurrection people” .. people who are called to new life .. called to rise up and follow His Living example .. for if He hadn’t risen from the dead .. He would only be remembered as a wonderful teacher but by rising from the grave as a man He showed us that we could also overcome death with eternal life .. for on that day He has destroyed the sting of death .. He walked His talk .. and yes .. it’s on this glorious “Resurrection Day” that we should be mindful .. to yes .. do the same .. for yes yes yes .. again and again and again .. haha .. oh yeah .. love wins period

“He is not here .. He has risen .. just as He said .. come and see the place where He lay”


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