Friends .. we should keep the mindset each morning when we wake up .. that yes .. it’s a new day for us to face “head on joyfully” .. for the truth is .. we got this .. haha .. for we know .. joy starts on the inside .. and yes .. will totally burst it’s way out .. it’s rooted down deep in our hearts .. and no .. our circumstances can’t make it happen .. for yes .. joy lives much larger than that .. and friends .. the wonderful thing about joy .. we can choose it .. for yes .. it’s a product of who we are not where we are .. the bonus .. haha .. along with joy we also find contentment .. they go hand in hand and both based on gratitude .. and yes .. as joyful people we find we aren’t jealous or envious .. and no .. while we may not have the best of everything .. we’re content people who make the best of everything .. for we know .. the fertile ground for joy itself is simply understanding that we belong to God .. and yes .. His love for us is so big that we can trust wholeheartedly that He’ll meet our every need .. which in turn .. eases the stress that can rob us of our joy .. yes .. we must see ourselves as He sees us for comparisons will only crush .. so yes .. we look within though His eyes .. because friends .. we serve an audience of One .. and yes .. if we can get that right .. haha .. everything else will fall into place .. for we’re joyful people who know that we know that we know .. it’s sure good for what ails us .. haha .. come on now .. lets get this Sunday Funday started with a joyful heart and a content mind .. for yes .. haha .. oh yeah people .. love wins period
“A joyful heart is good medicine .. but a crushed spirit dries up the bones”

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