We all face conflict in some form or fashion in our lives .. I mean .. it’s going to happen .. for friends .. there’s simply no avoiding it .. simply because .. we live in a world with other people .. so .. when that conflict rears it’s ugly head .. we need to be ready to deal with it .. head on .. haha .. that’s right .. we can’t just ignore it .. simply because .. nine times out of ten .. it doesn’t go away .. no .. ignoring it .. is not .. always the answer .. nope .. for when we do .. anger begins to set in .. and then .. that old enemy .. he’s got a foothold .. and friends .. we don’t play that game .. for simply .. we know.. there’s a right way to get angry .. and .. there’s a wrong way to get angry .. haha .. sounds ridiculous .. but .. oh so true .. yes .. the wrong kind of anger is the one that we don’t resolve quickly .. so therefore .. it turns into resentment .. and then .. into bitterness .. which we know .. are emotions .. that are always wrong .. oh but .. we need relief .. and so we find .. the simple solution .. ‘confrontation’ .. that’s right .. if we’re truly going to resolve a conflict .. we must confront .. not in anger .. no way .. but out of love .. while speaking the truth from our .. “God Heart” .. haha .. yes .. His Word tells us simply .. “be quick to listen .. slow to speak .. and .. slow to become angry” .. haha .. and friends .. that’s not always easy to do .. but .. it’s always necessary to do .. for the truth is .. I’ve personally found .. in most situations in my life .. if I do the first two .. the third .. it comes naturally .. and .. at no surprise .. so .. yes .. we’re going to have conflicts .. we’re going to have misunderstandings .. we’re going to be wronged .. and .. we’re going to wrong .. and yes .. we’re going to face things .. we just don’t want to face .. but .. we have no choice but to do so .. so .. here we go .. we get our minds geared up .. and .. our souls prayed up .. then .. we move forward with Him by our side .. leading and guiding us .. straight on into victory .. for friends .. He loves us so much .. He wants us to feel His love .. He wants us to use His love .. and .. He wants us set free from any bondage that has it’s hold on us .. for friends .. it’s when we grab hold of this truth .. we’ll move forward .. with our heads held high .. and .. our minds set free .. to be .. what He wants us to be .. oh yeah people .. without a doubt .. Love Wins Period.
“Therefore be imitators of God .. as beloved children .. and walk in love .. just as Christ also loved you and gave Himself up for us .. an offering and a sacrifice to God .. as a fragrant aroma”



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