Friends .. we’ve all made plenty of mistakes in our lives .. haha .. if we care to admit them .. and yes .. some have left a mess in it’s wake .. and yes .. because of this and so much more .. we’ve spent much of our lives feeling unworthy .. feeling like we have to do anything and everything in order to be loved .. haha .. I’m not sure what program we signed up for to make us feel this way .. but friends .. I can honestly tell you .. that program is a repetitive lie .. haha .. that’s right .. for the truth is .. none of us are worthy .. no .. not even those of us who think we are .. haha .. for the truth is .. we can do all we can do .. we can follow others advice .. we can people please our way through .. but .. we’ll never feel truly worthy until we come to the simple realization .. that God loves us .. not because of who we are .. but simply .. because of who He is .. haha .. it’s kind of like a slap in the face .. you know .. with all those “works” of ours .. haha .. but friends .. heads up .. He really doesn’t care if we become the best in what we do .. or .. if we become the greatest servant .. or .. the greatest volunteer .. or even .. give the most money .. and no .. He doesn’t care how big we screwed up .. or .. the mess we left because of it .. all He cares about is that we turn back to Him .. for He loves us .. simply because .. it’s His nature to love .. we can’t earn it .. we can’t buy it .. and no .. we can’t lose it .. oh yes .. we can try to make amends for those mistakes .. but if it’s not accepted .. we can’t change it .. bottom line .. we can never let anyone make us feel we’re not enough .. for friends .. we’re all enough .. not because we’re enough .. haha .. but because He’s enough .. haha .. and yes sweet friends .. we’re all the same in His eyes .. and yes .. because of that and His pure and unconditional love .. together .. we’re ALL home free .. haha .. oh yeah .. Love Wins Period
‘But He said to me .. “My grace is sufficient for you .. for My power is made perfect in weakness ” .. therefore I will boast all the more gladly of my weaknesses .. so that the power of Christ may rest upon me”

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