As the holidays quickly approach .. my heart and mind keeps going to those around me .. who are facing their first .. “season” .. after the death of a loved one .. most of us have experienced it .. and we know .. the pain is excruciating .. the feelings of being alone .. along .. with the memories of the joyful times .. they intertwine .. yet .. they don’t change the pain .. no .. after a loss .. we find .. the holidays are clearly some of the roughest terrain we will ever navigate .. and friends .. its the way we handle these days .. that are as individual .. as we are .. that’s right .. and friends .. what’s so important .. is that we be present for the loss in whatever form .. the holidays do or don’t take .. for .. without a doubt .. we know .. to be fully felt is a part of the journey .. and .. while trusting in this truth .. we also know .. we don’t have to be a victim of the pain of the past .. no .. when it calls .. we can simply .. let it go to voice mail .. for .. it has nothing to say .. the pain cannot haunt us .. for .. we can remember and honor .. “the love” .. we shared .. oh yes .. absolutely .. sadness is allowed .. for death .. it doesn’t take a holiday .. so .. we stay mindful .. that now .. more than ever .. we must be gentle with ourselves .. we don’t have to do more than we want .. nor .. anything that does not serve our soul or our loss .. for we .. as Children of God .. will never lose our hope .. oh yes .. we hurt .. we feel the loss .. but .. we know .. that we know .. that we know .. there is a new beginning in front of us .. and yes .. we’re gonna go through some things in this life .. that we’ll never understand .. but .. we can trust Him to work them all out .. for His Word tells us .. simply .. ‘what the enemy intends for our harm .. He can .. and .. He will … turn around for our good’ .. so friends .. if you know someone today who has recently lost a loved one .. reach out to them .. in a .. “silent”.. love .. for .. as we know from our own experience .. sometimes .. there are simply .. just .. no words .. oh yeah people .. Love Wins Period
“Therefore .. we are always confident .. and we know that as long as we are at home in this body we are away from the Lord .. For we live by faith .. not by sight .. we are confident .. then .. and would prefer to be away from this body and to live with the Lord”

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