As a Believer .. and .. as many of us are ..  I am most grateful to God .. for lifting me out of the darkness .. for .. as we all know .. our scars of sin and sadness go deep .. and .. while the healing process is underway .. they’re ever before us .. however  .. haha .. His forgiveness .. is so much greater than our own condemnation .. which is so big in itself .. and ..  at times .. hard to believe .. but .. we know in our heart .. that He wants us completely .. yep ..  for .. He has many “clever” ways of getting our attention ..  haha .. and friends .. He’s not powerless against our disobedience either .. oh yes .. we love Him so much .. for He is the Potter .. with tears in His eyes .. breaking and remaking .. a better vessel .. for His use .. in which ..  I personally find .. AMAZING ..  haha .. that’s right .. for you see ..  our spiritual condition ..  is far greater of importance to Him ..  than any physical suffering we’ll ever experience .. yes .. we would all rather suffer righteousness .. for His cause ..  than to suffer because of .. our own willingness to disobey ..  haha ..  but then ..  we do know ..  His cause is  simply .. that we .. become .. more and more like Him .. through each passing day ..  so .. sweet friends .. as we lie our heads down at night .. alone with our thoughts .. thinking of past regrets .. while .. all the while ..  the enemy is feeding us with lies of unworthiness .. we must remember .. the bottom line and simple truth ..  He sees us .. not as man sees us  .. for .. He doesn’t look at the outward appearance ..  no way ..  He simply .. looks at our heart .. and ..  for that sweet friends ..  we “simply” find .. His love and forgiveness .. it’s not based on our feelings .. but .. on His divine truth .. for .. He cannot lie .. and .. His love .. is everlasting .. haha .. again and again and again .. I will stand and say  .. oh yeah people ..  Love Wins Period

“Arise and go down to the potter’s house ..  and there I will announce My words to you .. then I went down to the potter’s house .. and there he was .. making something on the wheel .. but .. the vessel that he was making of clay was spoiled in the hand of the potter .. so he remade it into another vessel ..  as it pleased the potter to make ..  then the word of the LORD came to me saying .. “Can I not ..  O house of Israel ..  deal with you as this potter does?” declares the LORD … “Behold ..  like the clay in the potter’s hand ..  so are you in My hand ..  O house of Israel” ..  ”



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