Friends .. for years I went along with the crowd .. and yes .. at first it seemed easy .. haha .. until one day I found myself going down the wrong road .. and yes .. when we’re on the wrong road it can be tough to turn around .. so yes .. we need to think for ourselves .. and yes .. we need to know ourselves .. it’s so much easier to live by our own convictions than to imitate someone else’s style .. for the truth is .. God gave each of us a good mind .. and yes .. we need to use it .. we need to be independent thinkers who are willing to choose simple values over worldly arguments .. we need to choose the company we keep .. and yes .. spend our energy on what’s really important to us .. for yes sweet friends .. ignorance is costly .. so yes .. we need to educate ourselves so that we have an informed opinion .. and yes .. are able to make wiser decisions .. for friends .. He doesn’t make stupid nor does He like ugly .. haha .. bottom line .. today tomorrow and forever .. haha .. oh yeah .. love wins period
“Do not be conformed to this world .. but be transformed by the renewal of your mind .. that by testing you may discern what is the will of God .. what is good and acceptable and perfect”

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