Yesterday I came over to Pensacola to see Carla .. we try to get together every six weeks or so and do something fun ..  and yes .. last night we accomplished just that .. haha ..  we saw James Taylor on stage at the civic center .. wow .. is he talented .. his new music is awesome and his old tunes .. they brought the house together .. although the building was full .. it felt like we were at times .. sitting in the living room .. just him and us ..  during the twenty minute intermission .. James sat on the stage .. signed autograph after autograph .. shook hands and laughed with the many admirers around him ..  I thought then .. after all these years of being on tour and singing his songs .. he still loves .. he still reaches out to those around him .. from .. with what it seems .. a humble heart ..  yes .. it was a good night .. we laughed .. we sang .. and yes .. we saw .. people loving people ..  just the way God designed us to be .. haha .. oh yeah ..  Love Wins Period

“With all humility and gentleness.. with patience .. bearing with one another in love”


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