Friends .. I’m gonna tell you right now .. God .. He’s not about righting all wrongs .. no way .. haha .. however .. He is all about .. taking those wrongs .. and yes .. simply making something .. totally awesome out of them .. for friends .. think about it .. He’s constantly offering us opportunities to take that free will of ours .. haha .. that He’s so graciously given us .. and yes .. using it ” in love” toward one another .. while simply allowing .. some of which has been broken .. to be mended and made whole .. haha .. that’s right .. for friends .. the pain we suffer in this life .. it offers us growth .. IF .. we choose to allow it .. so .. with that .. and yes .. in knowing this truth … we stay mindful .. that He .. just like you and I .. wants to be loved for who we are .. He wants to be loved for .. His mercy .. His grace .. His kindness .. and yes .. His compassion .. and no .. not because He can make life easy for us .. for friends .. that’s not what it’s about .. no .. it all boils right back down .. every single time .. to our free will .. and yes .. our simple choices .. for the truth is .. we have the choice .. to love or not to love .. and yes ..we have the choice .. to hate or not to hate .. and friends .. if we truly look at our lives .. then and now .. we’ll simply find that .. over and over .. and yes .. again and again .. and again .. haha .. oh yeah .. Love Wins Period.
“Hatred stirs up strife .. but love covers all offenses”

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