While God grows our faith through pain .. it’s certainly not His foremost reason for allowing us to hurt .. haha .. as perplexing as it is .. love is the reason .. and .. He simply allows us .. His very creation .. to go through anything in its name .. anything at all .. you see .. for Him .. love is a higher priority than any comfort we know .. pain was never intended in His original design .. love always was .. yet .. He knew in order for love to exist .. free will would also have to exist .. so .. when He gave us the choice to love or hate .. He sadly knew .. most of us would choose the latter and pain would inevitably be the price .. yet still .. He chose not to take it away from us .. even though He knew tragedy and hurt would overcome us at times .. and .. this would break His very heart .. He still takes our misuse and abuse of free will and redeems it .. He’s not about righting all the wrongs .. however .. He is all about .. taking all the wrongs and making something awesome out of them .. He’s constantly offering opportunities for us to take that free will of ours and use it in love toward one another .. simply allowing .. some of which has been broken to be remade .. bottom line .. pain offers growth if we choose to allow it .. so .. we stay mindful of this truth .. God Himself .. just like you and I .. wants to be loved for who we are .. He wants to be loved .. for His Mercy .. His Grace .. His Kindness .. and .. His Compassion .. not because He can make life easy for us .. for Friends .. it boils right back down .. every single time .. to our free will .. our choice .. we simply have the choice to Love or not to Love .. to Hate or not to Hate .. and for me .. through my life journey thus far .. every single time I have and still find .. oh yeah .. Love Wins Period.

“Love is patient and kind .. love is not jealous or boastful or proud or rude .. it does not demand its own way .. it is not irritable .. and .. it keeps no record of being wronged .. it does not rejoice about injustice but rejoices whenever the truth wins out .. love never gives up .. never loses faith .. is always hopeful .. and .. endures through every circumstance”



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