Following Love on the Fruit of the Spirit list is .. “JOY” ..  which makes total sense ..  because  .. if we aren’t walking in love .. somebody is going to come along before this day is out and steal our joy ..  they’re going to say or do something that’s going to irritate us  .. and then BAM .. there  it goes .. our joy .. haha .. flying right out the window .. however .. when we walk in love this will not happen .. simply because .. God has given us the power to pay no attention to this nonsense .. we are able to forgive the wrong and go on along our happy way .. you see ..  for us .. joy is an emotion poured into our lives as we rest in His love ..  it is a gift from Jesus Himself ..  and friends .. we need to grab hold of His joy .. soaking it up and sharing it with everyone we encounter .. for JOY has a tremendous effect on our bodies .. it makes us strong and strong makes us healthy .. just where we need it most .. mind .. body .. and .. soul .. oh yeah .. Love Wins Period

 “If you keep my commands .. you will remain in my love .. just as I have kept my Father’s commands and remain in His love ..  I have told you this so that my JOY may be in you and that your JOY may be complete”


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