We are all really good at some things .. yet .. not good at all things .. oh .. some people think they are good at everything .. haha .. make no mistake .. they’re not .. you see .. God has designed each of us personally and it’s when we fully engage our personal talents and stay the course .. they eventually get converted into strengths .. and .. when we are operating in our strengths … we gain great joy .. for together .. our unique mixture of character .. talents .. life experiences .. personalities .. and yes .. even struggles merge together and spark a vision within each of us .. simply .. the more we engage in our strengths .. the more He can do through us .. with our God-given talents transforming into strengths .. we become radically motivated .. needing less and less prodding from the outside .. and friends .. this repetitive practice produces warriors .. warriors capable of making giant contributions in this world .. just as He planned for each of us .. wow .. come on now .. let’s do this .. oh yeah .. Love Wins Period

As each has received a gift .. use it to serve one another .. as good stewards of God’s varied grace.


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