Whatever the enemy has tried to take away from us .. we better believe .. God wants to restore it .. and not only that .. haha … He wants to make it better than before .. simply because .. that’s the kind of Father He is .. that’s right .. every day we have choices put before us .. we can allow ourselves to be tempted to get .. hurt .. wounded .. or .. depressed .. we can even sit around and complain .. both of which .. will only keep us in the same miserable condition .. or .. we can simply praise Him and be lifted up .. for you see .. the first thing the enemy will try to steal from us .. is our joy .. he wants us to be pitiful .. he wants us sad and oppressed .. and .. it’s when we allow him to do this .. we lose our joy .. and .. in turn .. we lose our strength .. so friends .. we simply cannot lay around in sorrow .. we’ve got to get up .. we can never allow what others say to control us .. for we .. sweet friends .. control our own destiny .. not everyone is going to be thrilled about us .. oh .. but Our God is .. He is our creator and He likes us just fine .. actually .. He’s totally thrilled about us .. that’s right .. so .. I don’t know about you .. but me .. I’m tapping into that joy .. I’m hanging with Him .. for .. it’s in His very Presence .. we come out with a new spring in our step and song in our heart .. for .. the longer we hang with Him .. the more we will take on His ways .. haha .. and that .. makes us all .. very very happy .. so .. let’s take what belongs to us .. ahh .. yes .. “joy unspeakable and full of glory” .. oh yeah people .. Love Wins Period​

“Though you have not seen him .. you love him .. though you do not now see him .. you believe in him and rejoice with joy that is inexpressible and filled with glory .. obtaining the outcome of your faith .. the salvation of your souls”


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