Friends .. it’s when we pay  attention enough to watch God move .. haha .. that yes .. we clearly see .. He has a way of taking care of things like we would never dream of taking care of them .. for yes .. He knows what’s coming before us .. before it ever shows up .. He knows us through and through .. He sees our heart .. and yes .. He knows it well .. so yes .. we keep our  faith in Him while trusting there’s a plan for our future .. for yes .. this is what hope is all about .. having a sense of meaning and of purpose helps us to look forward with anticipation when going through a rough spot .. so no .. we can’t lose sight of our passion .. of our vision .. nor .. of our purpose .. for yes .. this is what gives us the much needed strength we need to persevere .. and yes .. maintain that glorious hope that fills our soul .. for yes sweet friends  .. His love is strong and mighty .. and yes .. haha .. oh yeah .. love wins period

“Rejoice in hope .. be patient in tribulation .. be constant in prayer”


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