Friends .. I just love the fact that even when things don’t work out the way we want or even planned .. we can whole heartedly trust .. that yes .. God has something better already planned for each of us .. so yes ..  in knowing this truth .. we no longer have to live in fear .. nor .. do we have to live with the need to control everything around us .. that’s right .. instead we trust .. we trust that we’ll be where we need to be .. exactly when we need to be there .. and yes .. we trust that we’ll say and do what we need to say and do .. exactly when the time is right  .. and yes sweet friends .. we trust that we’ll become all that we’re meant to be .. when we’re ready .. and yes .. exactly when the time is right .. for yes .. we’re constantly trusting Him to direct us in the path we need to follow .. for we know .. His plan for us has already been written ..  and yes ..  all we have to do is show up for our role .. and yes yes yes .. this  is exciting news .. so we keep moving ..  for it’s a new day to get up  get out .. and yes .. share His awesome love with those we meet .. for we know without a doubt .. this sweet friends .. is always and forever .. exactly what He wants us to do .. for yes .. haha .. oh yeah .. love wins period

“Love one another with brotherly affection .. outdo one another in showing honor”


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