Friends .. as many of us have learned through time .. it matters how we start the day .. haha .. for simply .. for many of us .. it’s the way we start .. as to the way it goes .. haha .. so yes .. with that being said .. and yes .. before we jump into our day .. we simply need to ask God to keep us mindful as we make our way through .. haha .. for after all .. as many of us have learned .. we’re all simply students while here on earth .. and yes .. everything that happens today .. haha .. are simply lessons to help us learn .. and friends .. the awesome part .. our curriculum .. haha .. it’s made to order .. just for us .. and yes .. personally by Him .. and no .. His task for us .. it isn’t to change our parents .. our friends .. our children .. or .. haha .. even our spouses .. no way .. our task is simply to change ourselves .. and yes how well I know .. haha .. this can be a mighty task indeed .. but none the less .. we get up .. we get out .. just like any other day .. and friends .. we direct our attention to Him .. and yes . totally away from any outside circumstances .. which in turn .. allows the process of positive change within .. starting with the shedding of ourselves .. haha .. yes .. letting go .. while allowing those around us to be themselves .. while we learn to do the same .. for friends .. the truth is .. when we become so overwhelmingly aware of the mercy we’ve received along our way .. haha .. we’ll be as quick as that old roadrunner .. haha .. to simply extend mercy to all those around us .. and yes .. it’s then .. we’ll all have the chance to simply learn .. to love one another with that .. “Jesus kind of love” .. haha .. “in spite of and never because of” .. so yes .. haha .. oh yeah .. love wins period

“As each has received a gift .. use it to serve one another .. as good stewards of God’s varied grace”


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