Our life and this road we’re travelling .. brings many twists and turns .. with each situation we face .. we have the choice to learn .. we can do this .. with joy or with pain .. for none of us know .. what’s lurking around the corner .. oh .. but friends .. what’s so amazing about this .. is that each day .. is a new day .. that’s right .. a new day to start over .. a new day to say .. “wow” .. yesterday .. it was a rough one .. but .. I’ll not let it get me down .. haha .. or .. maybe it was an amazing day .. and .. in knowing how the enemy works .. we’re waiting for that big bump .. either way .. what we know for sure .. “yesterday .. today .. and .. forever” .. Our God .. He is always the same .. never changing .. never allowing anything to come upon us that we cannot handle .. for He .. always makes a way .. He’ll make sure that we are just fine .. that the lessons .. although difficult .. are bearable .. yes .. we can always trust in His Word .. for it plainly states .. “If He is for us .. who can be against us” .. so .. with this we know .. without a doubt .. all things will pass .. and .. this simply is what gets us through .. so .. as we move into this new day .. we look for His work in our lives .. we see it in progress .. and .. we totally .. “get it” .. we are blessed people .. and .. we are loved .. He has given us a new day .. and with this new day .. we have become energized .. energized .. to get out out and make a difference .. right where we are .. leaving an impression on everything and everyone we touch .. simply because … of what He has done for us in our own lives .. friends .. haha .. (thanks Dad) .. “today is the first day of the rest of our lives” .. let’s do this .. oh yeah .. Love Wins Period

“Because he loves me .. ” says the Lord .. “I will rescue him .. I will protect him .. for he acknowledges my name .. he will call on me .. and I will answer him .. I will be with him in trouble .. I will deliver him and honor him”


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