We had a wonderful Labor Day weekend .. the Hibiscus Cafe by Grayton Beach Catering rocked it .. the Backyard of Love was filled with awesome music .. grayt food .. and yes .. people loving people just the way God intended it to be .. while all the while ..  giving to Food for Thought .. oh yes .. it was good to see the jabber and laughter fill the yard ..  I had to laugh to myself as I thought about how God can bring things about when we have no clue as to what He’s doing .. haha .. which brings me to the thought that we truly never really know what He’s up to .. however .. what we do know is that IF we let Him .. and yes .. IF we’re responsive to Him having His way with us .. awesome things can happen .. it’s true .. looking back on my life .. and yes .. I’m sure if you’ll do the same .. we’ll find that when we were in His will and following His plan .. our lives simply ran much smoother .. and yes .. more freely ..  haha .. something about fighting the inevitable never seems to work .. so yes .. it’s a new day .. come on now .. let’s let Him have His way .. for yes .. He is love .. and yes .. haha .. oh yeah .. love wins period

“As for God .. His way is perfect .. The LORD’s word is flawless .. He shields all who take refuge in Him”


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