Last night was the kickoff to my birthday weekend .. and friends .. it was a beautiful evening .. our Grayton Beach Catering was cooking up some awesome BBQ at the 30a BBQ Festival and Contest .. we won last year .. so yes .. Donald and his team were there ready to defend their title .. haha .. and friends .. that’s just what they did .. their dish consisted of the “Trifecta” .. a sweet chile sriracha smoke and flash fried wing topped with Chef Richard (Honky’s) Alabama white sauce .. along with a Fireball whiskey smoked rib .. and yes .. to center it off we had the “Redneck Parfait” .. haha .. I’m not sure who named it .. but oh yes .. it was indeed the the hit of the party .. mac and cheese topped with baked beans .. cole slaw .. pulled pork .. along with a chicharone on top . haha .. oh yes .. it was delicious .. and yes .. we had the people lined up waiting for their fair share .. it was a blessed night indeed .. haha .. to be able to watch my son with his team work together like masters was a beautiful thing .. as parents there is nothing more satisfying that to see our children succeed .. I have been blessed to watch mine become the man is today .. he is fair .. he is loyal .. and yes .. he is loved .. and that .. is yes .. what we strive to see in our children as we get older .. today I turn 60 and my heart is full .. my husband is a dream .. my son is my heart .. my daughter in law is my friend .. and yes .. my granddaughters are my life .. haha .. and yes .. it’s exciting to see how God always seems to take care of our heart desires .. for yes .. He is love .. and yes .. He loves us big .. it’s evident in my life by looking at my family and friends .. for yes .. it’s true .. all of you are what makes my life complete .. and yes .. for that .. I say thank you thank you thank you .. for yes .. haha .. oh yeah .. love wins period
“So now faith .. hope .. and love abide these three .. but the greatest of these is love”
Oh yeah .. did I mention that we WON! .. haha .. 2nd year running .. so yes .. a special thank you to our chefs Richard McCord and Lucas Sidrony along with our team of girls .. and yes .. to the after party with my friends Melinda, Dino, Shelly , Dook, TK and Mark .. for no .. there’s no better way to end a day than with music and friends .. see you later today at the Crab Festival!

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