Friends .. it’s really not what happens to us in this life that matters .. no .. what really matters is what use we make of those happenings in our lives .. that’s right .. all our mistakes .. all of our failures .. and yes .. all of our sufferings must be turned around and used to help others that are facing the same .. for yes .. it’s then something good comes out of our own suffering .. and yes .. the world will be better because of it .. for it’s after the pain .. the suffering .. the difficulties .. and yes .. the stress are gone .. that we’ll find the good we do each day continues to live .. and friends .. it not only in us that it lives on .. but yes .. it lives on in those we’ve shared our troubles with .. so yes .. we rock on .. we stay steady .. for we know that we know that we know .. our God is faithful to see us all through .. and yes .. haha .. oh yeah .. love wins period
“Come and hear .. all you who fear God .. and I will tell what He has done for my soul”


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