When we walk with God .. our whole view on things change .. haha .. for we are now .. “changed”.. people .. that’s right .. we no longer stand alone when facing adversity .. nope .. for now .. we have this .. source of strength and protection .. that keeps us moving .. moving toward .. our ultimate goal .. and now .. instead of hollering out in fear .. we simply look to Him for the .. “good” .. in every situation .. you know .. those .. rain puddles to .. “splash” .. in .. haha .. oh yes friends .. dark clouds .. they’ll come .. and .. they’ll do all they can .. to rain on our .. “spiritual” .. progress .. but now .. we simply .. no longer allow them to cloud our day .. nor .. do we allow them .. to steal our joy .. because now .. we are simply .. treating these storms as just another way .. to soak up and discover .. His very will for our lives .. while always remembering .. His very promise to us .. after the rain .. comes that glorious rainbow .. oh yeah people .. Love Wins Period
“I set My bow in the cloud .. and it shall be for a sign of a covenant between Me and the earth .. it shall come about .. when I bring a cloud over the earth .. that the bow will be seen in the cloud”

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