Friends .. we’re all God’s chosen people .. haha .. yes .. every single one of us .. and yes .. we are to clothe ourselves with compassion .. and yes .. simply meet the needs of others’ .. and no .. not for our own selfish reasons .. nor .. for our own selfish desires .. haha .. for simply .. as He showers us with comfort and love through His word .. and yes .. through other people .. we in turn are to direct that same stream of His mercy .. haha .. to everyone we meet .. and yes .. that means everyone .. no friends .. we’re simply not meant to hoard His love for ourselves .. no way .. for yes yes yes .. His love is to be shared .. for simply .. we’re made to be overflowing with the good news of His unconditional love .. and yes .. His “full on” compassion He has for us all .. for the truth is .. in every situation we face .. we all .. every single one of us .. need to see and hear .. His good news .. for friends .. this is the news that simply .. keeps us moving forward in that steady pace .. to yes yes yes .. reach our ultimate goal .. haha .. and yes .. again and again and again .. haha .. oh yeah .. love wins period
“Put on then .. as God’s chosen ones .. holy and beloved .. compassionate hearts .. kindness .. humility .. meekness .. and patience”

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