As Believers .. one by one with our arms linked wide .. we are to form an undeniably strong army .. yes friends … an army whose voice cannot be ignored .. a voice for the poor .. a voice for the marginalized .. and yes .. a voice for the depressed .. doing all we can to right the wrongs .. and yes .. to fight injustice .. haha .. think about it .. if we took this stance .. we could change the face of so many things of today .. and yes .. we would see the lost find the unconditional love of our God .. haha .. and yes .. it may sound a bit idealistic .. however .. it’s entirely possible .. we have the potential that simply begins with a choice … a choice to “be love” from our very core .. for yes .. as we’ve learned time after time after time .. it’s truly the only way to roll .. for yes .. haha .. oh yeah .. love wins period
“Let each of you look not only to his own interests .. but also to the interests of others”

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