Friends .. we’re a people pleasing bunch of people .. well .. some of us are anyway .. yes .. some of us us grew up on a carousel of doing all we could to try and please the people around us .. simply because .. we couldn’t handle the rejection if we didn’t .. it scared the bejeebers out of us .. for .. we all just need and want to be loved .. haha .. and people .. they’ll usually love us based upon our performance .. for the truth is .. if .. we do what they want us to do .. they accept us .. oh but .. if we don’t .. boy .. it’s full rejection .. there’s no room for anything other than their view of life .. haha .. and that .. is scary in itself .. but friends .. this kind of love we’ve searched for so desperately in our lives .. it’s human love .. and .. none of us .. you or I .. will ever know how to love any other way .. until we get a taste .. of God’s unconditional love .. for friends .. His love .. haha .. it’s not based on man’s performance .. but .. only on His .. for you see .. He loves us and accepts us .. simply because .. He decided to .. not because of what we do or don’t do .. for simply .. He knows we’re weak .. so .. we might as well admit it and let Him help us .. haha .. oh yes .. we’d think He’d be looking for the perfect person .. you know .. the ones who have it all together .. a strong person who’d never fail or let Him down .. but .. that’s simply not the case .. no way .. for instead .. He looks for us .. the person whose heart .. is perfect toward Him .. for friends .. we can fully trust .. His desire IS to heal His people from past hurts caused by rejection .. we no longer have to beat ourselves up with guilty feelings when we’ve failed .. for .. the truth is .. it’s hard to live under someone who only accepts and loves us .. if .. we perform perfectly and please them .. otherwise .. we face rejection with no love to be found .. haha .. but Jesus .. He’s not one of those people .. and friends .. you and I .. we don’t have to be one of those people either .. no way .. for when .. we believe in Him .. love Him .. and .. desire His will .. we’ll be off to an awesome start .. and .. He’ll bring us straight across the finish line .. no .. we may not perform perfectly .. but .. if our hearts are perfect toward Him .. He counts us as perfect while we make our journey .. bottom line .. let’s not be the one that withholds our love and rejects .. for .. Our God .. has placed people around all of us .. who simply need to be loved and accepted .. I say .. let’s love them .. let’s accept them .. for friends .. it is then .. we’ll become the best person we could ever dream of being .. ahh yes .. imitators of Christ .. just the way He designed us to be .. haha .. oh yeah people .. Love Wins Period.
“but God chose the foolish things of the world .. that He might put to shame them that are wise .. and God chose the weak things of the world .. that He might put to shame the things that are strong”

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