Thinking about the woman at the well .. most all of us .. male or female can relate to her story .. she met the Messiah just doing what she does everyday .. oh yes .. she tried to hold him off ..  she was busy with her life .. she was troubled and felt alone .. she never really felt worthy of anything .. her past was not so pretty .. but no .. that didn’t stop Him .. and yes ..  He eventually won her heart in spite of her own self  .. haha .. and yes .. in the end He even answered all of her questions .. I can picture her that day as I reflect on my own journey .. and yes .. you can too .. for the truth is .. there’s good news for us all .. and yes .. that good news tells us that He’s the same today .. that’s right .. He wants to talk to us in our everyday activities .. He’s here while we’re getting ready in the morning to tackle the day .. He’s with us while changing diapers .. or yes .. while driving to work or taking a walk .. He’s here to listen to all our questions .. and yes .. He’s here even to put up with our attitudes on a regular basis .. haha .. oh but friends  .. it’s when we stop our chattering minds for a moment .. that yes .. He’ll reveal our deepest need .. and yes .. He’ll meet that need .. and yes .. He’ll do this every single time .. for yes ..  He’s awesome that way ..  haha .. every single time .. for yes yes yes .. God is love .. and yes ..  haha .. oh yeah .. love wins period

“Trust in the Lord with all your heart .. and do not lean on your own understanding .. in all your ways acknowledge Him .. and He will make straight your paths”



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