I’ve been thinking about us .. yes .. all of us .. those who love me .. as well as .. those who don’t .. haha .. and .. as I look around at my own house .. I see many things going on .. I see .. joy .. laughter .. love .. and .. I see .. heartache .. pain .. and .. suffering .. yes .. sweet friends .. when we look at each other .. as well as within .. we see all kinds of things .. haha .. yes .. some good .. and yes .. some .. just not so good .. for the truth is .. we all have something to hide .. we all have something to grieve .. and .. we all have something we’re going through that’s just not easy .. and yes .. it’s in the right here and the right now .. for it’s life .. and some days .. are just more difficult than others .. for us .. the right now is .. our little dog Dusty .. he’s on his last days of his life .. and yes .. it hurts to see him decline .. my heart breaks for him .. but not just for him .. but for .. my sweet husband Bob .. as I watch him daily .. he tends to Dusty so ever gently .. so lovingly .. and .. yes .. so very very kind .. and no .. I’m not looking forward to the day we have to say goodbye to him .. as I know .. the pain I’m going to have to watch Bob go through .. I expect .. will be far worse to experience than what my own heartache will bring .. yes friends .. so many of us are suffering .. from lost loved ones .. from health issues .. or .. from just plain going through .. these dang daily life lessons .. yes .. these dang things .. they’re constantly part of us and our lives .. nope .. no respecter of person .. anything can happen to anyone of us .. at any given moment .. however .. we can simply .. rest in the fact .. and .. have the joy in knowing .. we serve a big God .. and .. we serve each other .. for me in my life .. I’ve seen suffering and I’ve caused suffering .. and yes .. with some I’ve experienced rejection .. oh but friends .. with so much more .. I’ve been loved right on through .. for I believe .. it takes a “people” who truly love Him and His ways to love like that .. you know the love I’m talking about .. that .. “Jesus kind of love” .. haha .. yes .. that love we receive .. even when we don’t deserve it .. that .. “in spite of not because of “.. kind of love .. haha .. so .. sweet friends .. may we all stay ever mindful to remember .. we must love one another .. just like that .. as well as .. allow ourselves to be loved .. just like that .. haha .. for yes .. it’s true .. we are .. all in this together .. placed in each others lives .. to simply .. love and be loved .. that’s right .. simple truth .. for friends .. it’s when we’re walking through those difficult times .. we can trust without a doubt .. that He’s simply .. going to send us the strength and nourishment we need .. to face what comes our way .. and no .. He’s not going to send it all at once .. but .. He’s going to send it day by day .. just how and when .. we need it most .. and yes .. in knowing accepting this truth .. out hearts will stay full .. oh yeah people .. Love Wins Period
“Therefore do not worry about tomorrow .. for tomorrow will worry about itself .. each day has enough trouble of its own”

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