Day four of waking up on our family “holiday” ..  the sun is beginning to peek it’s head out for another spectacular morning show .. the gulf waters are hitting the shore line .. and yes .. it’s peaceful this early morning hour .. haha ..  we’re headed back home today .. and yes .. it was a wonderful weekend .. full of family and friends gathered together .. a full boat of personalities  ..  haha .. what’s so amazing to me is how we’re all made so differently .. but yet .. we’re all made the same .. for yes .. God made us all with a heart of love .. and friends .. it’s a wonderful thing to act on that love He placed within us ..  to get up each day .. and yes .. know that this is what He wants us to do .. love each other without hesitation .. without fear .. and yes .. without regret .. and friends  .. I’m grateful for the love that has been shown to me on this “holiday” .. for yes .. haha .. oh yeah .. love wins period

“There is no fear in love .. but perfect love casts out fear .. for fear has to do with punishment .. and whoever fears has not been perfected in love”



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