Friends ..  God has instructed each of us to love all the people in our lives .. however .. before we can truly do that .. we must see them as He sees us all  .. for yes .. haha .. He looks at each of us totally unlike we do .. He sees in each of our life history .. He knows our every thought .. He knows our every motive .. and yes .. He knows every feeling we’ve ever had .. not to mention .. haha .. how we’ve changed over time .. but friends .. most importantly what He sees in all of us is our heart and soul .. we on the other hand .. see each other for only a moment .. and yes .. within seconds we make judgments .. we criticize each other based on nothing but our own ignorance .. and yes .. we’re quick to shove people into boxes and stereotype them .. and yes .. we do this because .. haha .. we think we know everything .. oh but friends .. it’s when we get in tune with His Spirit .. and yes .. see each other as He sees all of us ..  it’s then that understanding takes over .. and yes ..  makes it possible to empathize while bringing His incredible blessings to those we meet .. haha   .. just like He does for each of us  .. no matter who we are or where we are in our daily walk  .. yes friends .. it’s up and down the ladder we go .. a constant movement in time .. and yes .. we must love with His kind of love .. for yes yes yes .. haha .. oh yeah .. love wins period

“No one has ever seen God .. but if we love one another .. God lives in us and His love is made complete in us”



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